About Switzerland & me

Explore and discover Switzerland with me! Diversity, tradition and ingenuity on every step.

Silvia’s Editorials

Traveling by intuition

Traveling by intuition: making a case for how heeding our intuition may propel a good travel experience into a superlative one! >

Passionate Swiss?

Productive. Practical. Punctual. For sure. These are all great qualities named in one stereotypical breath about Swiss people. But are the Swiss passionate as well? >

A short Christmas story

Christmas without gifts for the children? Unthinkable! >

Rent a Grandpa: the Sharing Economy

Noticing an ad for the rent-sharing of a grandpa on a local Swiss site aroused my curiosity and reserach. On this site and others around the world one can rent the services of retired people, whether for dog sitting, yard care, or to adopt them as grandparents! And why not? There are things one uses rarely, others that might be unaffordable and evidently there is a need for what may not be available, so use without ownership might be the solution...or is it? >

Inner peace and calm in a restless world

How a short ten-day respite affects my awareness unnoticed - until I do notice! >

Unplugging and decluttering

Unplugging and decluttering, leaving all electronics behind, taking a respite from an increasingly fast-tempoed, electronically driven life. >

Values behind traditions

What are the values behind traditions of so many centuries-old, living customs in Switzerland? What makes them so enthusiastically cultivated and attended? >

About Swiss Wanderlust

about-silvia Welcome, and Grüezi! Switzerland, my native country, is the main focus of travel for this guide. Slowly, a few other destinations are added. Whatever the country, when I write, my cat Sari supervises me.   More about Silvia, Sari & Swiss Wanderlust »


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