International, historic motorcycle race Seebodenalp, Switzerland

August 3, 2017 — No comments

The mountain is calling…

For the fifth time on August 12 and 13, 2017, the bi-yearly historic motorcycle race Seebodenalp is taking place, starting in Küssnacht am Rigi and following the historic route of the 1920’s and 30’s to Seebodenalp.

Starting below the Gesslerburg in Küssnacht (elev. 478 m), the paved route overcomes a height difference of 545 meters and gradient climb of 11 per cent before finishing at Seebodenalp (elev. 1,023 m).

Motorcycle enthusiasts organized the first mountain race to Seebodenalp in the 1920ies. It quickly became one of the most important national races until the start of WWII. In 2012, five years ago, the race was revived and now runs on a yearly basis.

Stefan Wyss, President of the Society of Friends for Historic Motorcycles in Switzerland comments: “the aim is not to achieve any new speed records, but to negotiate this very special route with skill and enjoyment”. “Evenness is key”, he continues. “The paved road has its challenges and requires skilled and precise driving. Discipline and self-control are required and no mistakes will be tolerated.”

Qualified to participate are all historic motorcycles and authentic reproductions as well as “Meisterschaftsmotorräder” from the 1900s to postwar 1945 including side cars and three-wheelers.

Entry for participating drivers, supporters and volunteers is free of charge. For all other fans, the cash register opens on Saturday evening.

Historic motorcycle race Seebodenalp

Organizing committee historic motorcycle race Seebodenalp


The off-road part part of the entertainment takes place in the evening of August 12. BBQ and entertainment for drivers and guests start at 5 pm and the highlight of the evening provides the group Dusty Boots which starts playing at 8 pm.

If you’re a fan of historic motorcycles why not schedule time during this or next year’s summer trip to Switzerland and attend the historic motorcycle race Seebodenalp in a setting second to none!

Share your experience here and leave a comment below if you’re a motorcycle enthusiast or have other race recommendations.

About Silvia and Swiss Wanderlust


Switzerland travel enthusiast. Cat lover, bicyclist and classical music fan. I prefer walking over running and enjoy a good Swiss card game of Jass with friends.  More about Silvia and Swiss Wanderlust »

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Additional Information

Photos: bergrennen-seebodenalp

Historic motorcycle race Seebodenalp
Historic motorcycle race Seebodenalp

Gessner Burg, Küssnacht am Rigi

Photo: wikipedia commons


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