Mili Weber Museum St. Moritz

February 14, 2018 — No comments

Mili Weber Museum

The Mili Weber Museum does not showcase artwork, the museum and all its content is the artwork.

As soon as I enter the museum I am fascinated by the whimsical paintings and the play of light coming through the wood-framed windows of the charming chalet in Grisons style.

Delightful nature scenes with flower children and animals; striking oil paintings; a large dollhouse with minutely crafted themes of everyday life: room after room reveals furniture, walls, even floors & ceilings that provide testimony to Mili’s creativity. I’m fleetingly reminded of Swedish artist Elsa Berkow’s children’s books that I used to read to my daughters, and I learn from Museum Director Sibylla Degiacomi that indeed, Mili wrote children’s books as well. Some of the artwork by Mili’s stepsister Anna Haller (1872-1924) is also on display – talent evidently ran deep in this family.

Overlooking lake St. Moritz, the chalet is worth a visit for its location and architectural Prättigau style (in the Engiadina) alone. If you enjoy Mili’s quaint style of painting you will get a good sense of this free spirited, vividly imaginative and deeply-to-nature connected artist during a tour of the Mili Weber Museum.

Please share your favorite spots in the beautiful canton of Grison and leave a comment below. Thank you.

About Silvia and Swiss Wanderlust


Switzerland travel enthusiast. Cat lover, bicyclist and classical music fan. I prefer walking over running and enjoy a good Swiss card game of Jass with friends.  More about Silvia and Swiss Wanderlust »

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Additional Information

Photos: Silvia Schoch & Mili Weber Stiftung

Mili Weber Museum

Photo © Mili Weber Stiftung St. Moritz

Mili Weber Museum

Photo © Mili Weber Stiftung St. Moritz

Mili Weber Museum

Photo © Mili Weber Stiftung St. Moritz

Mili Weber Museum

Much of the doll furniture  was designed, carved and realised by Mili’s brother, Emil Weber. Photo © Mili Weber Stiftung St. Moritz


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