Graubündel – the hip new Swiss pic-nic bag!

March 25, 2017 — No comments


Karin Hirter, Designer of the Graubündel with Markus Dobrew (not pictured)

“Made by nature and crafted in the way of traditional crafts by the people of Graubünden, Graubündel makes every picnic an authentic and romantic experience”, says Markus Dobrew, Managing Director of Heimatwerk Zürich Oberland with a smile. He and design partner Karin Hirter, both professional designers, participated in the competition by Tourism Board Graubünden to develop a souvenir that could be produced with traditional methods within the region.

The board that boasts world-renowned places such as St. Moritz, Arosa, and Davos, had launched the search for a value-added souvenir for the discriminating tourist to sustain their best memories at home. The Graubündel pic-nic back-pack which can also be carried like a tote and spread into a blanket, couldn’t have better met the criteria!

“Pack your items into the Graubündel, tie them together and at the picnic site unfold the bag into a blanket with all the goodies spread out ,” read the instructions. Simple, functional and it works! Swiss hotels in and beyond the region have caught on and are purchasing the all-natural linen bag for their guests – and the guests purchase the Graubündel from their hotel as fast as they can be produced! Evidently an idea that has met the right time.

You can view the bag with many other traditional and contemporary, hand-made crafts in a changing display at the weaving mill and sales store of the Heimatwerk und Handweberei Zürich Oberland located in Bauma in the beautiful Tösstal, outside the city of Zürich. It is also where zou will meet the engaging designers, Markus and Karin, personally and have an opportunity to view a traditional weaving mill.

To purchase the Graubündel worldwide for an authentic Swiss mountain and meadow picnic experience go to the official Graubünden Tourism website: at

Beautiful Tösstal scenery and traditional buildings.

If you take the worthwhile trip to beautiful Zürich Oberland Tösstal and the village of Bauma, be sure to enjoy a cup of coffee and a piece of their Fladen right across from the Heimatwerk at the famous Café Voland! Their hazelnut Fladen is a specialty of the region. The recipe was created by master baker Rudolf Bär in 1909 and has been passed on from generation to generation. The last recipe transfer occurred in 2001 to current master baker René Schweizer who guarantees the authenticity of this delectable treat on a personally signed plaque in the Café!

Share your favourite picnic experience or trip to the Zürich Oberland and leave a comment below. 

About Silvia and Swiss Wanderlust


Switzerland travel enthusiast. Cat lover, bicyclist and classical music fan. I prefer walking over running and enjoy a good Swiss card game of Jass with friends.  More about Silvia and Swiss Wanderlust »

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Additional Information

The incredible region of Graubünden, Switzerland:

Photos below and of the Graubündel: Graubünden Ferien



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