Die Pracht der Tracht – Swiss traditional costumes

November 10, 2017 — No comments

Die Pracht der Tracht – Swiss Traditional Costumes

The neo-classic building of the Museum of Fine Arts in Solothurn owns and currently displays important paintings that focus on Switzerland’s National dress around the 1900s. In wonderful period paintings by major Swiss painters, the exhibit demonstrates an amazing diversity and popularity of “Trachten” then as now.

Present day public events featuring Switzerland’s traditional sports, customs, music, dress and more are are gaining in popularity in Switzerland as this year’s Unspunnen Festival and other events large and small throughout Switzerland prove.

The museum exhibit over seven rooms demonstrates that nostalgic appreciation of one’s regional history and traditions in the face of change was as true one hundred years ago as it is today.

In addition to magnificent paintings – some of them live-size – the exhibit was built within the context of society at the time: political trends, photography, poster art, movies, advertising and procedural details of specific traditions as well as amazing pieces of clothing. The display includes a thirty minute movie at reflects important Trachten passages in Swiss films of the 50ies through to the 9oies.

A visually impressive and historically interesting period of Swiss customs reflected through traditional dress that draws parallels to the present, well worth a trip to the charming town of Solothurn! The exhibit runs until January 7, 2018.

Switzerland’s national dress is so diversified throughout the country not only between regions, but by function or use, eg. between every-day and Sunday best, for example. Let me know if you’re interested in a further article and photos on Swiss Trachten and their use today by  leaving a comment below or sending me an email. Thank you.

About Silvia and Swiss Wanderlust


Switzerland travel enthusiast. Cat lover, bicyclist and classical music fan. I prefer walking over running and enjoy a good Swiss card game of Jass with friends.  More about Silvia and Swiss Wanderlust »

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Additional Information


Photos: Kunstmuseum Solothurn

Die Pracht der Tracht
Die Pracht der Tracht
Die Pracht der Tracht
Die Pracht der Tracht


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