Glasi Hergiswil

December 9, 2017 — 1 comment

Glasi Hergiswil

Founded by the brothers Siegwart in 1817, the glass blowing company has both a proud and tumultuous past behind it. At one time it was near closure due to the industrialization of glass manufacturing. Providing nearly all the jobs in the small village, the entire community pitched in to help the factory over the rough times and today, Glasi Hergiswil is a major supplier of hand blown  glass.

Visitors have the opportunity to observe glass blowers at work and give a hand at trying it themselves. Blow your own Christmas ball and have your photo or video taken while you’re at it!

The  adjacent museum displays a fine collection of antique glass in an authentic setting. Watch the short video below to see how four centuries of knowledge are used to craft glass at two centuries tradition house Glasi Hergiswil.

The show room on site with the entire Glasi Hergiswil collection of hand blown glass, household and decorator items, vases, Christmas balls and much more is sure to have you walking out with a beautiful new piece of hand-crafted glass for your home or two!

Do you have any beautiful pieces of glass you treasure – from Switzerland or elsewhere? Leave a comment below.  

About Silvia and Swiss Wanderlust


Switzerland travel enthusiast. Cat lover, bicyclist and classical music fan. I prefer walking over running and enjoy a good Swiss card game of Jass with friends.  More about Silvia and Swiss Wanderlust »

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Additional Information

Photos/Video: Glasi Hergiswil, Photos: Silvia Schoch

Glasi Herigswil
Glasi Herigswil
Glasi Herigswil
Glasi Herigswil


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