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St. Nicholas arrival - Samichlaus Auszug

In the central cantons of Switzerland, Samichlaus' arrival - always with his donkey and his impressive entourage of bell and whip bearers - is celebrated by the community with age old customs. >

Emmental Christmas market

A warm and authentic atmosphere reflect the charming, unhurried Bernese dialect and way of life of these Emmental country folk. Talented local artisans demonstrate traditional crafts in typical designs made of local materials. Far from flashy lights and repetitive music, these are gifts of value & authenticity. >
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Zürich Gourmet Trams

Enjoy a Fondue, an Apéro or take a trip with Saint Nicholas in an old-timer streetcar: Zürich Gourmet Trams delight every age in Holiday illuminated Zürich and throughout the rest of the year! >

Grittibänz & Christmas cookies

Grittibänz & Christmas cookies are the classic Advent pastries in Switzerland, equally loved by big and small. Try one of these recipes and decide for yourself! >
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Zürich Public Transportation - Holiday Dinners, Sightseeing, Books

Three fun ways to discover the city of Zürich via its iconic blue-and-white Public Transportation System: enjoy a Holiday gourmet dinner with changing scenery on an old-timer streetcar, take a podcast-guided sight-seeing tour or read some fun short stories with real-life colorit. >

Die Pracht der Tracht - Swiss Traditional Costumes

Traditions are strongly alive in Switzerland: in large scale events, regional & village traditions and daily on radio & tv. The Fine Arts Museum of Solothurn's 'Die Pracht der Tracht' exhibit with its magnificent art collection of traditional costumes in paintings and other mediums draws parallels and connects the past to the present. >
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Justistal Chästeilet

Do you know the difference between Alp- and Bergkäse (Alp and mountain cheese)? The farmers hard work and skill culminate in the end-of-summer cheese distribution with a community gathering, music, mouthwatering fare and Alpabzug and is part of this Swiss tradition dating back to 1739. >

Basel Tattoo - the world's second largest

After fifty years in Canada Susanne is as interested in the 'old country' as the day she left Switzerland! Her recommendation to you is the spectacular BASEL TATTOO with precision military bands from around the globe. The 2017 event can be watched full-length on the SRF video channel (Swiss public radio & TV). >

Brächete and autumn market in Zäziwil

In the village of Zäziwil, Canton Berne, the world's oldest known textile fibre - flax - is grown and processed into fine linen fabric in the way it has been for centuries during the yearly flax-to-linen festival called Brächete. >

Onsernone Valley - wild, evocative and fascinating

Deep gorges with thermal springs, craggy mountains covered by thick forests, sunny platforms with picturesque stone villages and a local population who maintains age-old traditions make Onsernone Valley in the Italian speaking part of Switzerland a one-of-a-kind experience! >

Helsinki-Shanghai: 9,700 kilometers or 150 hours by train

Swiss family adventure half-way around the world! Simon, originally from Bremgarten, works and lives with his family in Finnland. During the summer of 2017, he and partner Heidi travelled with their daughters Katja (12) and Rina (11) across five time zones from Scandinavia through central Russia and Mongolia to China on the Trans-Siberia and Trans-Mongolia railroads. Check the map! >

Unspunnen festival

Switzerland's Unspunnen festival showcases traditional sports, music, arts, food and more such as Swiss-style wrestling, stone throwing, Hornussen and yodelling during the competition and festival week in the summer, once every six years. >

Ronco: Porto-Ronco/Ronco sopra Ascona

Two charming villages a ten minute drive from world-renown Ascona: one right on Lake Maggiore, the other one steeply above it. Both with panoramic views, charming grottos and a variety of cultural, sports and entertainment activities. Authentic Ticino at its best! >

Risotto Festival Locarno

Good food, wine, music and company under the warm, open September sky on the cobblestone Piazza Grande in Locarno, the Italian speaking part of Switzerland - what could be better? If you can't make it for this year's Risotto festival on September 16 and 17, you'll find an authentic Ticino Risotto recipe here. >
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Einfach leben - Pianta Monda

Einfach leben inmitten der Natur. Ein wunderschöner Film über die sympathische Ökogemeinschaft dreier bewusst lebender Menschen im abgelegenen Lavizzara Tal im Tessin. >

SJAS childrens' camps in Switzerland

Do you want to be a circus artist for two weeks in a real circus in Switzerland, together with other Swiss children from around the world? If you are between the ages of 8 and 14, hold a Swiss passport and live outside of Switzerland, read on! (Swiss parents and grandparents abroad read on, too)! >

Paradiesli vacation chalet owned by an exceptional jodeler

Paradiesli is a fitting name for the wonderful holiday chalet with glorious views high above Kerns in the Sarnen valley, a thirty minute drive south of Lucerne. And the owner is an *exceptional* yodeler! >

Geographical center of Switzerland - Älggi Alp

Do you know in which Canton the Geographical Center of Switzerland lies? The 45 minute drive from the valley bottom to 1,650 m elevation takes you to a completely different landscape. The drive and the destination are well worth the journey! >

About Swiss Wanderlust

about-silvia Welcome, and Grüezi! Switzerland, my native country, is the main focus of travel for this guide. Slowly, a few other destinations are added. Whatever the country, when I write, my cat Sari supervises me.   More about Silvia, Sari & Swiss Wanderlust »


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