Art & Craft


Very unique Easter tradition in Ferden/VS

Based on a 13th century legend, young and old in the gorgeous alpine village Ferden work together to make their summer's alp milk into tangy Ziger cheese at Easter. >
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Berger bell foundry Bärau

Anno 1730, King Henry VIII weds his 6th wife; Johann Sebastian Bach composes 'coffee shop music' for the Leipzig Café Zimmermann; and Farmer Berger starts to cast bells on his picturesque Bernese Oberland farm. King Henry & the Bachs are gone, but Berger bells are cast in Bärau to this day! >
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Alois Carigiet - art, graphic design & Schellen-Ursli

Best known and beloved the world over for the children's book Schellen-Ursli - translated into 14 languages (including Afrikaans) and made into several films - Alois Carigiet was a multitalented, ever-pushing-his personal-and-creative-boundaries artist. >
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Mili Weber Museum St. Moritz

Free-spirited artist Mili Weber - revered by locals and the famous like Charlie Chaplin - made her delightful family chalet in St. Moritz her canvass, and the surrounding plant and animal life her easel. A gentle, but fiercely independent Swiss artist. >
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Glasi Hergiswil

Look over the shoulders of a glass blower at work and feel the heat of the furnace! At 200 year old Glasi Hergiswil on Lake Lucerne, you can get up close and even blow your own Christmas ball!  >

Emmental Christmas market

A warm and authentic atmosphere reflect the charming, unhurried Bernese dialect and way of life of these Emmental country folk. Talented local artisans demonstrate traditional crafts in typical designs made of local materials. Far from flashy lights and repetitive music, these are gifts of value & authenticity. >

Grittibänz & Christmas cookies

Grittibänz & Christmas cookies are the classic Advent pastries in Switzerland, equally loved by big and small. Try one of these recipes and decide for yourself! >

Die Pracht der Tracht - Swiss Traditional Costumes

Traditions are strongly alive in Switzerland: in large scale events, regional & village traditions and daily on radio & tv. The Fine Arts Museum of Solothurn's 'Die Pracht der Tracht' exhibit with its magnificent art collection of traditional costumes in paintings and other mediums draws parallels and connects the past to the present. >
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Justistal Chästeilet

Do you know the difference between Alp- and Bergkäse (Alp and mountain cheese)? The farmers hard work and skill culminate in the end-of-summer cheese distribution with a community gathering, music, mouthwatering fare and Alpabzug and is part of this Swiss tradition dating back to 1739. >

Dettling Kirsch - the world's finest cherry brandy

One of the top three distilleries in the world, Swiss Dettling Kirsch - located in the village of Brunnen on Lake Lucerne (8,280 inhabitants) - was awarded the title "World Class Distillery" and "Distillery of the Year" in perfect time for their 150th anniversary. >

About Swiss Wanderlust

about-silvia Welcome, and Grüezi! Switzerland, my native country, is the main focus of travel for this guide. Slowly, a few other destinations are added. Whatever the country, when I write, my cat Sari supervises me.   More about Silvia, Sari & Swiss Wanderlust »


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