Guest Writers
Fifties family hike in Switzerland
Hiking is a national sport in Switzerland. Guest author Daniel von Kaenel remembers a typical fifties family hike on the brand new south ramp of the Loetschberg and how grandfather showed up for this strenuous walk with suit, tie and walking stick, albeit minus rain gear. >Schweizer Schule Alexandrien, Ägypten
Das Jahr ist 1921 und 100 Schüler in Alexandrien - der Ägyptischen Handelsstadt am Mittelmeer - werden in der Schweizerschule französisch-sprachig nach dem Lehrplan des Kanton Waadt unterrichtet. Aus seiner exotischen Schulzeit der Kriegsjahre, vom morgendlichen Schweizer Fahnen-Aufzug bis zu König Farouk's Besuchen, erzählt Auslandschweizer Beat Knoblauch. >Basel Tattoo - the world's second largest
After fifty years in Canada Susanne is as interested in the 'old country' as the day she left Switzerland! Her recommendation to you is the spectacular BASEL TATTOO with precision military bands from around the globe. The 2017 event can be watched full-length on the SRF video channel (Swiss public radio & TV). >Helsinki-Shanghai: 9,700 kilometers or 150 hours by train
Swiss family adventure half-way around the world! Simon, originally from Bremgarten, works and lives with his family in Finnland. During the summer of 2017, he and partner Heidi travelled with their daughters Katja (12) and Rina (11) across five time zones from Scandinavia through central Russia and Mongolia to China on the Trans-Siberia and Trans-Mongolia railroads. Check the map! >Zürich to Milan via the new Gotthard Base Tunnel
There are several ways to cross Switzerland from north to south, and they are all beautiful! Guest writer Sandra Grote shares the reasons for her choice and her experience. With a great video of the Gotthard Base tunnel. >Oeschinen Lake - UNESCO World Cultural Heritage region
Explore hidden gem Oeschinen Lake in the Bernese Alps with these insider-tips from Swiss Wanderlust guest writer Thomas Kalau. He recently visited this little-known area with his family and describes the special places and other activities not to be missed. >Swiss Annina Altherr - Yukon Government Youth Climate Change Ambassador
Annina Altherr and her family moved from Switzerland to a remote place in the Yukon, Northwest Territories, Canada, when she was six years old. Read her story and how she became the Youth Climate Change Ambassador for the Government of Yukon! >A drive around Lake Geneva, by guest writer Sandra Grote
At the end of September, we set out on a tour around the Lake of Geneva. It could not have been better weather; - we drove the whole time with the top down - yahoo! >So war mein Visp, von Gastautorin Wal Baur
(German.) Seit 18 Jahren lebt Wal Baur in Südkalifornien. Sie ist im Wallis aufgewachsen, aber bald hat es sie in alle Himmelsrichtungen verschlagen. Hier berichtet Wal über in Zuckerwasser getränkte Lockenwickler, einen schwerhörigen Kaplan und vieles mehr aus ihren Jugendjahren in Visp. >About Swiss Wanderlust