
Onsernone Valley - wild, evocative and fascinating

Deep gorges with thermal springs, craggy mountains covered by thick forests, sunny platforms with picturesque stone villages and a local population who maintains age-old traditions make Onsernone Valley in the Italian speaking part of Switzerland a one-of-a-kind experience! >

Ronco: Porto-Ronco/Ronco sopra Ascona

Two charming villages a ten minute drive from world-renown Ascona: one right on Lake Maggiore, the other one steeply above it. Both with panoramic views, charming grottos and a variety of cultural, sports and entertainment activities. Authentic Ticino at its best! >

Risotto Festival Locarno

Good food, wine, music and company under the warm, open September sky on the cobblestone Piazza Grande in Locarno, the Italian speaking part of Switzerland - what could be better? If you can't make it for this year's Risotto festival on September 16 and 17, you'll find an authentic Ticino Risotto recipe here. >
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Einfach leben - Pianta Monda

Einfach leben inmitten der Natur. Ein wunderschöner Film über die sympathische Ökogemeinschaft dreier bewusst lebender Menschen im abgelegenen Lavizzara Tal im Tessin. >
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Rasa, Ticino: Jewel of a village on the mountaintop

It had been discussed since 1928. In 1957, the cable-car was actually built to connect the last hamlet in the Ticino with the world. By that time Rasa - 958 meters straight up from the valley floor - had been inhabited for centuries! The fascinating history of this village. >
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Vent Negru: traditional folk music from the Ticino (sound samples)

The rugged, untamed Valle Onsernone is a magical place. Through centuries, the people living in this remote alpine area have made music as powerful as their landscape. When Vent Negru plays it, it stirs your soul and touches your heart. >
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Brissago Islands, Lago Maggiore: legacy of a Russian Princess

How about an around-the-world trip on a sub-tropical island paradise, followed by tea at an elegant palazzo? Eccentric Baronesse Antoinette Fleming-St. Léger and the mild climate in the Ticino make it possible. >

About Swiss Wanderlust

about-silvia Welcome, and Grüezi! Switzerland, my native country, is the main focus of travel for this guide. Slowly, a few other destinations are added. Whatever the country, when I write, my cat Sari supervises me.   More about Silvia, Sari & Swiss Wanderlust »


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