Panoramic Journeys

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Im Gummiboot durch die Schweiz

Wunderbares Sommervergnügen: plätscherndes Wassers, glitzernde Wellen-Lichtspiele, sanfte Natur. Dazwischen Kulturperlen wie Klöster und Schlösser. Zur Abwechslung einen Sprung ins kühle Nass, am Ufer ein Feuer machen oder einen Stopp in der Ufer Beiz! >

Fifties family hike in Switzerland

Hiking is a national sport in Switzerland. Guest author Daniel von Kaenel remembers a typical fifties family hike on the brand new south ramp of the Loetschberg and how grandfather showed up for this strenuous walk with suit, tie and walking stick, albeit minus rain gear. >

Zürich to Milan via the new Gotthard Base Tunnel

There are several ways to cross Switzerland from north to south, and they are all beautiful! Guest writer Sandra Grote shares the reasons for her choice and her experience. With a great video of the Gotthard Base tunnel. >

Glacier Express - legendary rail journey in total comfort

Over pristine mountains & meadows, across steep gorges and past quaint villages, Glacier Express astounds and delights with a wondrous, day-long journey across Switzerland. Starting at Zermatt or St. Moritz, it's called the slowest speed train in the world - and one of the most enjoyable! >
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Scenic drive bypassing the Gotthard tunnel

Three different languages, two mountain passes and a superb 14 points Gault Millau meal, all in the space of less than five hours. A super interesting panoramic drive, crossing Switzerland from north-south. >

About Swiss Wanderlust

about-silvia Welcome, and Grüezi! Switzerland, my native country, is the main focus of travel for this guide. Slowly, a few other destinations are added. Whatever the country, when I write, my cat Sari supervises me.   More about Silvia, Sari & Swiss Wanderlust »


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