Events & Activities

Swiss Easter traditions - old & new

Swiss Easter traditions are many. Some established ones and some innovative new ones. Check out the blue-egg-swim in lake Greifensee, the revived musical practice of Chlefele in Schwyz, or the raw egg competition in Basel. >

Of tree stands & Christmas mice

Of tree stands and Christmas mice - A modern-day Swiss Christmas story >
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Santa traditions in Switzerland

At the beginning of December, Santa and his helper Schmutzli move into a small cottage by the forest pond. Children can visit Santa in person here. They can also phone, write, or WhatsUp Santa! >
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Swiss Christmas traditions

Little hands eagerly await the month of December to open the first of 24 paper windows on their Advent calendar. December 6, St. Nicholas arrives with his donkey with Grittibänz, mandarins and chocolates, and, Christmas Eve, December 24, is when Christmas is celebrated in Switzerland. >

Start your backyard composting this fall

Fall is a great time of year to start backyard composting! The leaves get you started on the right track to find composting a fun and satisfying activity. >

Brunni-Bahnen Engelberg - unbound nature experience

Summer and winter activities' galore, Brunni-Bahnen Engelberg's other dazzling experience is the open-air chair lift, sweeping visitors into a Alpine panorama en-plain-air. >
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Water Castle Hallwyl: opera under the stars

A romantic, medieval courtyard under twinkling stars on a warm summer's night; Rossini's passionate music performed by professional players who make you chuckle & openly laugh over the funny libretto - voilà: Opera Castle Hallwyl! >
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World's largest Swiss flag

6,400 square meters of Swiss flag are mounted by a team of expert avalanche control climbers on a vertical cliff of Mount Säntis (elev. 2,500 m), just in time for Switzerland's National Day on August 1. >
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Im Gummiboot durch die Schweiz

Wunderbares Sommervergnügen: plätscherndes Wassers, glitzernde Wellen-Lichtspiele, sanfte Natur. Dazwischen Kulturperlen wie Klöster und Schlösser. Zur Abwechslung einen Sprung ins kühle Nass, am Ufer ein Feuer machen oder einen Stopp in der Ufer Beiz! >
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Mili Weber Museum St. Moritz

Free-spirited artist Mili Weber - revered by locals and the famous like Charlie Chaplin - made her delightful family chalet in St. Moritz her canvass, and the surrounding plant and animal life her easel. A gentle, but fiercely independent Swiss artist. >

About Swiss Wanderlust

about-silvia Welcome, and Grüezi! Switzerland, my native country, is the main focus of travel for this guide. Slowly, a few other destinations are added. Whatever the country, when I write, my cat Sari supervises me.   More about Silvia, Sari & Swiss Wanderlust »


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