Terms of Use

Terms of Use © 2016 by Swiss Wanderlust. All Rights Reserved. Commercial use of our website content without permission is strictly forbidden. Please contact Silvia Schoch if you are interested in using our content for your website or publication. Although we have made every effort to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we accept no responsibility for loss, injury, bad coffee, or any inconvenience sustained by any person using this website. Travel articles submitted and messages posted on our website become the property of Swiss Wanderlust and may be edited, published, deleted, or otherwise used by us. We do not check the accuracy of posted content and accept no responsibility for loss, injury, inconvenience, or bad coffee sustained by any person using the free information provided from Swiss Wanderlust Guest Writer Community members and other users. Content found in the Swiss Wanderlust Guest Writers’ Community and users comment sections is not to be used for formal and/or professional research, commercial gain, or redistribution in any way without the permission of Swiss Wanderlust and the Guest Writer Community member(s) and other user(s) involved. Where applicable, this applies to outside websites administered by Swiss Wanderlust such as Facebook and YouTube.